1. S86.24 Object number: S86.24 Object name: taxidermied specimen Scientific name: Black bear; Ursus americanus Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
2. 2001.10.1 Object number: 2001.10.1 Object name: teaspoon Title: Oakland, CAL Date made: 1910s Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
3. 2005.49.1 Object number: 2005.49.1 Object name: model Scientific name: American mastodon; Mammut americanum Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
4. 2005.87.1 Object number: 2005.87.1 Object name: model Scientific name: Mirounga angustirostris Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
5. 2005.87.2 Object number: 2005.87.2 Object name: model Scientific name: Mirounga angustirostris Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
6. 2005.87.3 Object number: 2005.87.3 Object name: model Scientific name: Mirounga angustirostris Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
7. 2010.83.10 Object number: 2010.83.10 Scientific name: Spilogale gracilis; Western spotted skunk Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
8. 2010.83.21 Object number: 2010.83.21 Scientific name: Marmota flaviventris; Yellow-bellied marmot Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
9. 2010.83.23 Object number: 2010.83.23 Scientific name: Martes americana Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
10. 2010.83.26 Object number: 2010.83.26 Scientific name: American mink; Mustela vison Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
11. 2010.83.29 Object number: 2010.83.29 Scientific name: Aplodontia rufa; Mountain beaver Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science
12. 2010.83.30 Object number: 2010.83.30 Object name: skull Scientific name: Muskrat; Ondatra zibethicus Currently on display in the Gallery of California Natural Science