Content description:
Verso: 1 purple stamp: Chris Kjobech. Image: This is a photograph of a gathering at the 1964 Repulican convention. The image is taken from several rows back in an auditorium where the audience is watching Barry Goldwater speak. He is on a raised stage, standing at a podium, wearing a dark suite and large white lei. There is an audience sitting behind him on the stage. On the right there is a CBS television camera and many photographers are at the front of the audience. Across the back of the stage is a large banner saying "Youth for Goldwater in '64". Below this there are 3 posters hung on the rear curtains. Above the banner is a star-shaped wall detail with a black bird in the center and San Francisco at the bottom. Above this, mainly obscured, is a large portrait. Hanging from the balcony on the right is a banner with a kanji character that also says "Hawaii Yout[h] for Golderwat[er]".