Content description:
The poster has a blue background at top and a white background at bottom. The top of the poster has the text: "A National Friendship Tour / Holly Near / and / inti-illimani / Nueva Cancion por la Paz en las Americas / Singing for Peace in the Americas". The center of the poster has a stylized drawing of a white bird with a red flower in its beak. The bird's tail has the symbol for woman or Venus repeated five times. Petals are falling down from the flower in the birds beak, as they cross a row of five horizontal lines that cross the poster they morph into musical notes. The bottom edge of the poster has the text: "National Tour sponsored by Cultural Work, Inc. - coordinated by Great American Music Hall and CWI". [This style of poster for a national tour involves a large print run of a generic color poster to reduce the cost per unit, thendistributing to event venues where local event information can be added to a small number by printing, hand writing, or pasting in the blank area at the bottom. -LMC]