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Black and white AP Wirephoto of actor/politician George Murphy, California State Senator, speaking at a press conference. He is in front of several microphones wearing a dark suit and tie and appears to be speaking. There is a man with glasses standing behind him. To the man's right, written on a chalk board, are the words, "Bobby is watching." Text on the front below the image reads: "(LA33) LOS ANGELES, March 18--LITTLE BROTHER IS WATCHING--Sen. George Murphy of California speaks at a news conference in Los Angeles today, unaware that a prankster has chalked a timely notation on the background wall. Robert Kennedy, a colleague of Murphy's in the U.S. Senate, announced Saturday he will attempt to follow in the footsteps of is elder brother, the late President John F. Kennedy. (AP Wirephoto) (ifm21430tma) 1968.