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The notation on the back of the photo reads "Independent Planning [sic] Mill 2nd and Brush Sts. Includes Billy Bridgeman/1st Tribune carrier in Oakland (figure '3' on arm.)" The collector was "Mrs. Lettie James 9755 Empire Rd. Oakland, 3-3-[19]52" Three rows of employees of the Independent Planing Mill. [Note the spelling in the notation-Planning, which cannot be correct,because of the clothing worn by the employees who are clearly manually skilled workmen, rather than planners. [JM 9/25/2000] Two boys, also dressed in work clothing, are kneeling on the ground in front of a row of seated and standing men. All but one of the men, with one exception and both boys, wear hats ranging from caps to broad brimmed hats to bowlers. The most common over-garments are vests or aprons. The man bearing the number 3 on his shirt is seated at the right end of the second row.