Content description:
Poster has a black background with text and images in white. The top of the poster has the text: "Turning Tide: / The Time For Safe, / Local, And Renewable / Energy Has Come." The center of the poster has an image of the Earth as seen from space, with a portion of the right side in shadow and the text: " 'To the village square we / must carry the facts of atomic / energy.... From there must / come America's voice.' / Albert Einstein". The bottom of the poster has the text: "Stop Seabrook / July 21 and 22 / - Alternative Energy Fair - Speakers - / Workshops - music - Sat. & Sun. 11-6 PM / Rally 1 PM Sunday / Clamshell Alliance / For More Information Contact: / The Clamshell Alliance, 62 Congress Street, / Portsmouth, NH 03801, Tel. (603) 436-5414 / Directions: Take I-95 to Exit 1 (Seabrook-Rt. 107) / Signs will direct you from there. / Or:" with a small white rectangle.