Content description:
Poster is printed on white paper with an unprinted white border. The left side has a red rectangle with text in white: "VOTE!". The top of the poster has a photographic image of a young woman with her mouth stitched closed and tears streaming down her face. The right side of the photo is overlaid with a Declare Yourself logo and text in white: "Only You Can Silence Yourself / Make them hear you. Register to vote now at:". The bottom of the poster has a rectangular area bound by a thin black border. The area contains text in blue, red, and black: "Declare Yourself And Tower Records. Essential To Your Election. / Visit OR Participating Tower Records Stores / To Register To Vote Sept. 17 - Oct. 1 / Declare Yourself Is a National Nonpartisan, Nonprofit Campaign To Energize And Empower A New Movement Of Young Voters To Participate In The 2004 / Election. Declare Yourself Does Not Support Or Endorse Any Political Candidate Or Party" with Decalre Yourself and Tower Records logos.