Content description:
Black and white photograph of actor/politician George Murphy. Murphy is sitting at a table in a wooden arm chair opening telegrams. He is wearing a dark suit and tie with a white collared shirt and has a telegram and letter opener(?) in his hands. On the table before him are numerous telegrams. There is wall paper and a landscape picture with text on the wall behind him. Text on front to left of image reads: "(LA3)BEVERLY HILLS, Calif.,Nov.4--CALIFORNIA'S NEW REPUBLICAN SENATOR--Republican George Murphy, former dancing star of Hollywood movies, looks over congratulatory telegrams at his Beverly Hills home today after defeating Sen. Pierre Salinger in their contest for a California U.S. Senate seat. It was Murphy's first try for public office, but he has been active in Republican party politics for years. (AP Wirphoto) (See AP story) (ifa41110stf-erb) 1964." Surface of photo has white cropping registration marks for reproduction purposes. Caption affixed to back reads, "Sen. George Murphy opens telegrams.--(AP).