Object number:
Object name:
poster; work on paper
Conservative My Ass! These People Are Nazis!
Date made:
Circa 2002
Offset lithograph on paper
H: 17 in, W: 11 in
Credit line:
All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.
Copyright status:
In Copyright
Physical description:
Content description:
Poster has a black background with a white border overall. Poster reads from top to bottom:" John Yoo / War Criminal, / Author of Bush's Torture Memos / and UC Berkeley Law Professor / A former law clerk to Clarence Thomas and a member of the right-wing Federalist Society, John Yoo was among a group of Bush / administration lawyers - including Alberto Gonzales, now Bush's attorney general - who crafted legal justification giving Bush a free hand to / order the torture of those he has declared as "illegal combatants" and held at Guantánamo and elsewhere. / According to the PBS documentary 'The Torture Question,' after 9/11, John Yoo 'wrote the first draft of sweeping war powers / authorization designed to give President Bush unprecedented power... The New statute would vest virtually unlimited power in the President / to fight the war on terror. Congress passed it overwhelmingly.' / The following quotes by Yoo are from New Yorker magazine ('Outsourcing Torture' by Jane Mayer): / 'There is a category of / behavior not covered / by the legal system... If / you were an illegal / combatant, you didn't / deserve the protection / of the laws of war... They / were tried in a military / court, and executed.' / Congress has no power to / 'tie the President's hands / in regard to torture as an / interrogation technique.' / ' It's the core of the Commander-in- / Chief function. They can't prevent / the President from ordering torture.' / Conservative My Ass! / These People Are Nazis!". The right side of the poster has a small photograph of a man's face with a small black mustache drawn onto it.
memo; torture; lawyer; Abu Ghraib Prison; professor; conservative
George W. Bush
University of California, Berkeley
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