Content description:
Poster has a purple background with yellow text. In the center is a large yellow X. On the top right is a small yellow circle with "Give a damn" printed in purple. The lower left corner has an area of yellow with purple text. It reads, "If you give a damn about the people in our ghettos, wear this button. You can get on from the New York Urban Coaliition. But, you have to show us that you really give a damn. One way is by giving jobs. They can be part-time jobs, full-time jobs, carerr jobs, or jobs for beginners. You can work out the details by calling 212-582-4600. If you can't give jobs, give money. Half a million kids in New Yorks ghettos are going to need somehting to do this summer bedsides kill time. You can provide play streets, bus trips, and a laittle recreation for them by sending your check to the New York Urban Coalition. The coaltion also needs your support for long term programs in the areas of economic development, housing employment and education. If you want a button, send your contribution with a self addressed stamped envelope to: New York Urban Coalition, Box 5100, Grand Centrral Station, New York, NY 100017.