Content description:
White paper poster with black print. Poster is double sided with the same information on both sides but the front is in Spanish and the verso in English. Text across top reads "No ayuda para los contras / No ayuda militar a El Salvador, / Guatemala y Honduras." Image in center depicts two young girls standing behind an American soldier with a gun in his hands facing away from the girls. Text beneath image includes "America central / quiere la paz / demonstracion con candelas / edificio federal en westwood / veteran y wilshire Domingo, 27 de Sept..." Along the bottom is sponsor and contact information. [Translation of above text in English is "No aid to the contras / no military aid to El Salvador, / Guatemala or Honduras / Cental America / wants peace! / Candlelight Demonstration / Westwood Federal Blvd. / Veteran and Wilshire Sun. Sept. 27 6:00P.M.