Content description:
The western boundary of this subdivision is a line drawn between a point that is 99 feet east of the center of Wood St. at the north, and a point that is 102.2 east of the center of Wood St. at the south, which accounts for the difference in the width of subdivision --150 feet at the north and 140 feet at the south. The northern boundary is Railroad Ave. (Lincoln Ave.), the eastern boundary street is Mozart St., and the southern boundary street is Santa Clara Ave. There are 13 lots included in the subdivision. The Encinal Park Tract is not included in the "Tract List" compiled by Quentin. This drawing is done with brownish ink on official Alameda County Surveyor's Office stationery, even though Mr. Boardman was no longer holding that position. The words "county" are lined through in ink whenever they appear on the stationery. The perimiter of the subdivision is outlined faintly in pale pink.