Physical description:
Coiled basket of the Sierra Miwok. Three-rod foundation of willow shoots, sewing strands of split peeled shoots and split redbud shoots (design). Made for sale. (Identification provided by Larry Dawson of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology in 1978.)
Content description:
Coiled basket of the Sierra Miwok. Three-rod foundation of willow shoots, sewing strands of split peeled shoots and split redbud shoots (design). Made for sale. (Identification provided by Larry Dawson of the Lowie Museum of Anthropology in 1978.)
Consultation and/or research has led us to believe that this item is not considered funerary or culturally sensitive. However, affiliated Tribe(s) determine the cultural significance of their items. If this item is a part of your heritage and you wish to contact us about it, please email
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