Content description:
Across the poster from the lower left comer to the upper right is a stylized and colorful drawing of a guitar being played by someone of whom the hands are all that is seen. The background of the poster has a drawing of a large dark wall at bottom that a mason is seen building with brick and mortar, at the top in the distances a small town and mountains are visible. The upper left corner of the poster has the text: "Eugene Council for Human Rights in Latin America Presents: / Carlos Mejía Godoy / and Los de / Palacag√ºina / Popular Singing Group / Direct from Free Nicaragua / May 12 (Tuesday). The lower right corner has the text: "Concert: / at Central Presbyterian Church / 1475 Patterson St. / Eugene, OR / Starts 7:30 p.m. / $4-5 donation / Concert preceded by: / Latin American food & drink / and Nicaragua newsreels. / 6 pm-7 pm. / For Further information call 484-5867. / Sponsored by: National Network in Solidarity with the Nicaraguan People.". The bottom edge of the poster has text in red: "Proceeds to benefit reconstruction projects in Managua". [Fichter illustrated and designed this poster when he was living in Eugene in the late 1970s and early 1980s. "DADA" was a nickname. -LMC]