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Photo shows two children holding baloons in front of the Paramount Theatre in downtown Oakland. The children are standing just underneath the "Paramount" sign. Handwritten on the back, "Roger Ashton giving balloon to Eric Monroe at conclusion of Oakland Symphony." Tribune caption on the back, Mar. 17, 1974, "Children at Concert- Fifty Oakland youngsters were guests at Saturday's performance of the Oakland Symphony Orchestra at the Paramount Theatre of the Arts. They received gay balloons bearing the message 'The Oakland Symphony is a gas' outside the theatre (below) and were guests at a post-concert party at the Leamington Hotel (right), where they sampled snacks and met performers. The minority students met guest artist Korean violinist Kyung-Wha chung and heard a performance of 'SpiritSong', composer Olly Wilson, a U.C. Berkeley associate professor of music.