Content description:
Poster has green ink printed on beige paper. At the top is a stylized image of a broken helmet on a crude pedstal, with a more polished sketch to the right. Below the images is "Trash to Treasures / 2nd Annual Junk-Art* Competition / And Exhibition / In Collaboration With Lawrence Hall Of Science", an event presented by the East Bay Depot for Creative Reuse, Inc and Festival at the Lake taking place in May/June of 1994. The bottom of the poster names the deadline dates, categories of entries, judging criteria, jurors, awards, sponsors, and exhibition dates. The asterisk leads to a note at the bottom of the poster reading "art made from found, scrounged, or reused objects". Poster verso has a mailing section at the top; entry, notification, and label cards at the left; and the competition guidlines and instructions at the right.