Content description:
Poster consists of black print on white paper. Image at the top of the poster of the seal of California with a cartoon speech bubble attached to the Roman goddess Minerva with the text "English Only!" in it where "Eureka" should be. Text in the shape of a fake ballot reads "One Homogeneous Nation / The Unz Initiative" followed by the initiative of English as the National Language with two boxes at the bottom to be checked "Fer Shure! / No Way, Jose!" [California proposition 227, also called the English Language in Public Schools Statute, was led by Ron Unz, a Republican candidate for governor in 1994. It sought to place students with limited English into English- only immersion classes for one year and thereafter mainstream them into regular classrooms. It additionally called for holding teachers and administrators legally liable if they did not implement the terms of the initiative. The initiative passed. -LMC]