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Black and white photograph of fans at the Oakland Acorns baseball park watching Governor Earl Warren throwing out the first ball from the stands to start the game. Warren is wearing a baseball hat, dark slacks, a white long-sleeved dress shirt, a dark tie and glasses. In his right hand is a catcher's mitt and in his left is a baseball that he is in the process of throwing. Standing below on the field and to Warren's left is Acorn manager Casey Stengel in full uniform (home whites). Below Warren on the railing is a banner that reads, "WELCOME" and has an eagle emblem surrounded by a circle of stars. Tribune caption affixed to back of photo reads, "Gov. Earl Warren throws out the first ball to open the game between the Oakland Acorns and Sacramento last night at the Oakland park. Acorn Manager Casey Stengel looks on. The Oaks dropped the home opener, 4-1.--Tribune Photo." Sections of photograph, including Stengel's eyebrows and hat, have been painted over and prencil cropping lines have been drawn in for reproduction purposes.