Content description:
Verso: pencil note "Gov Romney", 2 purple stamps "Keith Dennison, Jul 13 1964". Image: This photograph shows a man (Romney) leaning forward as he steps up towards some microphones. He is wearing a dark suit, patterned tie, a ribbon medal and a ladder-style medal, and is holding a few sheets of paper in his left hand. He is looking to the left. There is a microphone on the left that is plugged into a receptical on the metal microphone stand. There is smoke coming from the direction of the receptical, floating up towards Romney's face. On the right is man standing, holding a microphone at this side in his left hand and holding a wooden pole upright in his right hand. He is wearing a leather bag over his left shoulder, a tag that says 'rpi', a few tags and medals above this. He is wearing a medium-colored suit, diagonal striped tie and glasses. Behind Romney is a crowd of people, including both men and women, looking towards the camera.