All Of Us Or None Archive. Gift of the Rossman Family.
Copyright status:
Copyright Not Evaluated
Physical description:
Content description:
The poster is printed overall with a reproduction of a painting. The reproduction shows a woman in a pink shirt holding a colorful bird to her chest. The Right edge of the poster has text in large green letters: "Nicaragua". The bottom edge of the poster at center has text in white: "La solidaridad es la ternura de los pueblos / Solidarity is tenderness of the people / La solidariet√† é la tenerezza dei popoli". The lower right corner has an area with a small green rectangular frame and the text in white: "Chiesa S. Maria Degli Angeli / Barro Riguero / Mauizio Governatori / Murale del ciclo pittorico / << La storia del Nicaragua>> / part. Nicarao il << Teyte >> filosofo / Grafica Isidori". There is a small piece of what looks to be marijuana adhered to back of poster.
female; International Solidarity; bird
Nicaragua; Italy
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