Content description:
Small poster with a blue background and outlined images of African American men. The men are a group coming through a break in a wall that is silhouetted against red. Some of the men have their fists raised. The right side has "Libertad para los 6 de San Quintin" in large red block lettering. Below is white text that reads, "Johnny Larry Spain, Willie Tate, Hugo Pinell, David Johnson, Fleeta Drumgo, y Luis Talamantes - acusados por la muerte de 3 guardias y 2 prisoneros el 21 de Agosto de 1971, para cubir el verdadero incidente en el cual los guardias asesinaron a George Jackson e insaciablemente dispararon contra sus celdas. De Su Apoyo a Nuestros 6 Hermanos. Hegamos Justicia a Los Verdaderos Criminales. Informacion y doncaciones: P.O. Box 40070 San Francisco Ca. 94110." [Spanish-language version of #2010.54.467 -LMC]