Content description:
Poster has a pixilated, purple photographic image of the Venus of Willendorf overlaid with the text: "Because / 98% of all diets fail / and yet still women / spend well over fifty billion / dollars on diet products every / year becoming failures; / because women had their / ribs removed to fit their / bodies into tight clothing; / because women have / willingly swallowed tapeworms in the / hope of becoming thin; because one in ten / women throws up the food she eats before it / can be digested; because diet 'products' cause / anal leakage, cancer, or heart failure and / women still find this better than the alternative; / because women refuse to quit smoking in the / fear of weight gain; because 67% of girls aged 6 - / 16 have been brainwashed into denying / themselves nourishment they need to grow strong / and smart; because 165, 000 North American women / die every year of self-imposed starvation; because / anti-fat evangelists think that fat equals sin; because by the / time they're in grade one, most children have learned / it's okay to despise fat people; because the average / model is 5'10" and 100 lbs while the average / woman is 5'4" and 130 lbs; because no one / has ever shown that being fat is less / healthy than being stressed out and on / a diet; for all these reasons and / many, many more, / I Belong To The Fat / Liberation Movement.".