Content description:
Poster has a drawing in the center with text printed above and below. In the center are two rats looking out of a window at an angry mob. The rat on the left is dressed as Uncle Sam and is holding a bag with a dollar sign on it. The rat on the right is dressed in a military uniform with swastikas on the belt. This rat has a speach bubble with "Do you think these workers are gonna go for Fascism?" The mob is holding signs that say, Demand Jobs! and No More Imperialist War!. The poster reads from top to bottom, "Jobs, Not War! Empleos, Guerra No!/ Support Busing- End Segregation!/ Stop Deportations!/ U.S. Troops ouf of Southeast Asia and Middle East!/ Nationalize Energy Industries!/ Apoyen Transporte Escolar- Fin A la Segregacion!/ Alto a las Deportaciones!/ Ejercito Militar de los E.U.N. afuera del Suroeste de Asia y del Medio Oriente!/ Nacionalizar Industrias Energeticas!