Content description:
Black and white poster contains a graphic of two people and a large skull at center with "BARLOW" in large font at bottom left and "Facismo" in small font at bottom right. Text at top reads, "April 22, 23, 1978 / La Voz del Pueblo Grita 'iBarlow fue Asesinado!'" Text below the image includes, "Tune into KPFA 94.1 FM / Radiothon," radio program information, and notes the sponsor is Barlow Benavidez Committee Against Police Crimes. [Jose Barlow Benavidez (born c.1949) was a Chicano resident of Oakland who was shot and killed by an Oakland Police officer while in custody on June 11, 1976. A grand jury decided not to indict the officer, and a series of community protests ensued. -LMC]