Content description:
Calendar "4522" shows painting "DALE, DALE, DALE" printed by "Calendarios y Propaganda S.A." Image shows a pig hitting a piñata with his family and friends surrounding him. Confetti is falling from the piñata that is full of sweet fruits. The title "dale, dale, dale" comes from a cultural song that is sung when hitting the piñata. Text under painting reads: Panaderia Hernandez with an image of a basket full of "bolillo" bread on the left, and a man riding a bicycle with a bread basket on his head to the right. Pan Horneado Diariamente por Nuestros Expertos Panaderos MAYOERO Y MENUDO Amplia Selección de Productos Mexicanos en las Marcas de su Confianza · Jugos Naturales · Tamales · REFRESCOS Y CERVEZAS IMPORTADAS Y DEL PAIS ATENDIDO POR SUS PROPIETARIOS JESUS Y RITA HERNANDEZ Y FAMILIA Y SU AMABLE PERSONAL Quienes Agradecen a Clientes y Amigos su Preferencia y les Desean Paz y Prosperidad en su Hogar Hoy y Siempre 401 Grand Ave. (650)588-9738 Fax: (650) 588-9554 So. San Francisco, CA 94080 · Con lo más Selecto en Música en Español para Todos los Gustos · Tear off calendar under text: year 2000, months January and February