Content description:
A) "Women's Liberation Newsletter, December 8, 1969, with a return address saying: "Berkeley Women's Liberation", handwritten addresess to Lee Thatcher in Oakland; with Oakland postmark and cancelled stamp. Newsletter details updates on many different topics: The Office, Dues, Posters, Tooth & Nail, Subversive Jobs, Sunday Child Care, Community Office, Women's Seminar in Mexico, Uppity Women's Motorcycle Club, Pamphlets, Forums, Meeting and Movie, Newspaper Committee Meeting, Welfare Women Committee, Abortions, Day-Care Committee; B) Small, white paper insert with the title "Don't deprive your children" -- a notice about a leafleting action planned to leaflet the Shattuck area, the El Cerrito shipping center and Capwell's in Oakland -- to protest "sex defining toys" and "the damage that we do to little girls through toys etc.