Content description:
Poster is printed in white paper with text and images in black, gray, and green. The top edge of the poster has text in black: " 'Food for people - not for profit' ". - Background of poster has a stylized drawing of a farm with a winding dirt road and green crops at front and a man holding a basket, a number of buildings, and a windmill in the distance. Overlaid on this image is a drawing with a large can overlaid with an image of another farm, a man in green reading a ticker tape, a pile of money and, a child seated beneath a bush inside a can. The bottom of the poster has a field of white with text in black: "Apr. 8 / Food Day / Write: Food Day, Washington, D.C. 20036". [This was a national campaign by the Center for Science in the Public Interest coordinated by Michael Jacobson. Based on Earth Day, it sought to raise the profile of food policy issues and challenge corporate control over food production. -LMC]