Content description:
The central image of the poster depicts a mother holding a baby. A radio sits on the right with lyrics floating up, "dos y dos son cuatro...cuatro y dos son seis...seis y seis son..." and musical notes around. Blocks are in the top right, "2 meses, 4 meses, 6 meses, 12 meses, 15 meses". There is an "Immunization Record" card at the bottom right, it reads, "Comprobante de Inmunization...". The poster reads, "El Amor de Madre es Unico... / Los bebes necesitan las vacunas a los 2, 4, 6, 12, y 15 meses para prevenir enfermedad graves tal como sarampion, tos ferina, y meningitis Hib. / California Kids / Amelos, Vacunelos / Design & Layout by La Raza Graphics, San Francisco, CA, Illustrated by Luis Sanz / State of California, Department of Health Services, Immunization Branch (IMM-372) 1995".