Content description:
Poster is printed on white paper with text and images in blue and green. Poster has a thin blue border overall. The top edge of the poster has text in green: "Tour". The top of the poster has several stylized line drawings of various figures in green on either side of a reproduction in blue of a painting of a man in a suit seated at a piano. The figures in green include clowns, a man with a suitcase, and figures on horseback. Below this is text in blue: "Teatro 4 / And El Museo Del / Barrio". The bottom of the poster has a blue tinted photograph of a row of children in face paint standing I front of a large group of seated children. As well as stylized line drawings in green of a clown a large group of male and female figures including a man with a trumpet who is shaking hands with another man, and a van with the text: "Teatro / 4". The Lower right corner has text in green: Connecticut / Pennsylvania / New Jersey / Philadelphia / Espectaculo en Gira / Gimme five / Jibaro del Cuento / El Circo de Greco / Museo Movil del Museo / del Barrio". Lower left corner has the Teatro 4 logo and address. Lower right corner has El Museo del Barrio logo and address. The bottom edge of the poster has text in green: "Tour".