Content description:
The right edge of the poster is white at top and center, and red at bottom, with text in gray from the United States Supreme Court Application of Paul L. Gault and Marjorie Gault, Father and Mother of Gerald Francis Gault, a Minor, Appellants in gray overlaid with a large gray silhouette of a human figure in baggy clothing. At left the top of the poster is gray with text in white: "the Berkeley Center / For Criminal Justice / and / The national Council / On Crime And Delinquency / present". At left the middle of the poster is red with text in white: "Juvenile / Justice / Reform / Forty Years / After Gault / October 26 & 27, 2007 / Boalt Hall School Of Law / University Of California, Berkeley". At left the bottom of the poster is gray with text in white: "Sponsored by the van Löben Sels / RembeRock Foundation, / the San Francisco foundation / & the Wallace Alexander Gerbode Foundation / For more information, contact / or call 510-643-7025 /".