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Handwritten on the back, "Party inspecting new store. January 1929." A group picture showing three rows of people. The first row is all women and E.C. Lipman sits in the center. The middle row is men and women and the last row is all men standing. The women all have hats and some have furs, purses, and gloves. There is a large water puddle in front of them and a construction site in back of them. They may be on the roof E.C. Lipman is made vice president of H.C. Capwell Co. in 1929. He also becomes the manager of H.C. Capwell Co. in 1930. In 1936 he is made the managing director of H.C. Capwell Co. In 1937 he gives up this position to succeed R.P. Connally as the managing director of the Emporium.