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A42 was part of many things I did for the prune growers association to photograph the actual desserts made from prunes. This photo may have been made for a book they did, a most elaborate recipe book with elaborate photographs and a very beautiful silver foil cover on it. I spent God knows how long on it. It's a little hard to photograph a wrinkled black prune. We got the whole project beautifully done and the publication was put out in various stores until irate letters began to come in. It seemed that the poof reader [slipped up], and for every teaspoon it said tablespoon and some of the recipes called for a teaspoonful of salt. Well imagine what a table spoonful of salt in prune whip would have tasted like. All of the booklets had to be recalled." (Roger Sturtevant, interview with Joyce Minick, transcribed in catalog sheets).