Content description:
A male protester has been arrested. He is bent forward over the hood of a police car and his hands are handcuffed behind his back. He is looking directly at the camera. Three Berkeley police officers in riot gear and gas masks stand around the car. One officer holds a tear gas launcher. A cannister of tear gas rests on the hood of the car. In the background, students stand in Sproul Plaza, near Sproul Hall. A newspaper caption attached to the back of the photo reads: "Smoke outside a smoke shop (left) pours from a tear gas launcher after it is fired by a policeman. Manacled demonstrator (right) is guarded by riot-equipped police outside Sather Gate. It all started (below) when the 2-year-old fence around People's Park was pulled down earlier Saturday." The words "Berkeley #2 p.16 3c 3col x 4 1/2" are written in black pen on the back of the photo. Small white crop marks have been added to hightlight the officers' gas masks. Black brush strokes have been added to define the hood of the car. An orange-brown stain is smeared across part of the photo (especially on subject's torso). Black crop marks have been added at each corner of the photo. The edges of the photo are slightly discolored (brownish).