Physical description:
single-channel video installation. Running time is fifteen minute, looped for exhibition display (seamless). Color/Black and white with stereo sound. 16x9. 1920X1080. File medium: .mp4 and .mov. Audio Format: .mp4 and ACC. The original video was recorded on 3/4" Umatic video by the artist. Transferred to digital video and edited with Premiere in 2019. The nine screen monitor configuration should resemble surveillance monitors (stacked 3 x 3).
Content description:
Surveillance and hand-held footage of BART transit system and traffic scenes on the Bay Bridge. Parts of the piece are staged with actors. Artist's description: "This video encompasses the everyday experiences of Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) commuters – buying tickets, waiting on platforms, boarding and exiting trains. Within this context several layers of information related to BART are portrayed. They include: scenes from surveillance cameras and the master control room displaying the progress of the trains throughout the system, and a car driving from Berkeley to San Francisco crossing the Bay Bridge while a train travels toward the tunnel beneath the Bay.