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Glass plate negative. Description: Klinkner & Co. rubber-stamp buggy with mules. Klinkner Hall building in back. Condition: good. 5" x 8". Klinkner Collection, neg.# 44 - Klinkner & Co. Rubber Stamp buggy, with Mules, Klinkner Hall Building in back" History: The plates was taken by Charles S. Klinkner, Jr., son of Charles Klinkner, Sr., who founded the town. The donor is the grandson of the senior and nephew of the photographer. (G. Morgan 4/2002): Charles Alexander Klinker (1852-1893) purchased land and founded Klinknerville centered at what is now the corner of San Pablo and 59th Street circa 1885. He used money from his successful rubber stamp business. Klinkner built 75 houses, and raffled off two of them in order to create interest in the town. Klinkner was well known for his advertising activities, which included pulling his advertising cart with mules painted red, white, and blue, for the 4th of July, green for St. Patrick's Day, and appropriate colors for other holidays. He often used his pet elk to pull his cart and had monkeys, which would ride on his dog to advertise his products. In addition to his business ventures, Klinkner ran a baseball team called the Klinknerville 9. His favorite boast was "early to bed, early to rise, never get drunk, but advertise." For more information visit: ~ klinkner/Personal/BayArea/CharlesKlinkner/