Content description:
Multi-color poster shows a photograph of factory workers at an assembly line at top above a second image of electronic equipment piled outdoors. Text on the upper image reads, "The Toxic Truth About Our Electronics / Made in Toxic Sweatshops." Text on the lower image reads, "Dumped in Toxic E-Waste Piles." The images appear over a blue page background. A lighter blue band at bottom that extends into the page from the left side and has a round right side contains a black and white graphic a black text. The graphic appears at left and shows electronic equipment piled in a trash can with a triangle and an exclamation mark on the side. Text below he image reads, "Toxic Free UC." Text opposite the graphic reads, "Toxic Free UC / A Student Campaign for Clean Electronics / Urge UC to adopt responsible electronics purchasing & recycling policies that protect workers, communities, and our environment! / For more info, go to or contact: [area for writing in local contact is blank].