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Artist's subject/description: Cesar's shroud was to lay as a blanket. The eagles were no longer aggressive, but, gentle and lifting. the glitz of fame (with which he was never comfortable with) stayed below. The color and texture are of the soft earth, our mother. Artist visit 6/23/15: "I wanted to honor my heroes. All of them had weird deaths. This series was my first own statement without people telling me what to do." Said to herself, "Stop it, Consuelo, don't weave with death. They all had ugly deaths and I wanted them to have beautiful woven shrouds. I wanted them to be loose, like a blanket, something that could be kicked off." Cesar Chavez shroud: Consuelo intentionally left the markers. Used gold and silver eagle stamps to take him away; there are three red ones for play with color. The silver and gold (glitz) is used to have a little fun-as Cesar was austere and didn't have enough fun in his life. Natural brown and green cotton in "rows" representing the rows of crops to pick The natural brown and green cotton is Sally Fox (pesticide-free) Wanted to make pretty fields, on the brown soft earth for Cesar Chavez. "Cesar Chavez had just died when I was working on his shroud.