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Envelope reads, "Livermore Radiation Lab. Pacifists & opponents. 12/21/61." Negative shows a small group of people, including men, a woman, and three young boys, walking down the street in front of the parking lot in front of the buildings of the University of California Radiation Lab, Livermore Site [Lawrence Livermore Lab]. They are holding signs that say, "The 'Peace Vigil' is Communist Inspired," "Remember Pearl Harbor, Americans Be Prepared," "Americans are fighters, not pacifists," "The 'Peace Vigil' is RED," "The best offense is a good defense," and "Peace like Hungary?" Several cars are parked in the lot. The Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, which specializes in weapons research, was built in Livermore by the Atomic Energy Commission in 1952 and under the management of the University of California and affilated with Lawrence Berkeley Lab until 1971.