2. H16.211A Object number: H16.211A Object name: basket bowl Cultural affinity: Klamath River Indian Date made: late 19th, early 20th century Currently on display in the Gallery of California History
3. H16.4642 Object number: H16.4642 Object name: dentalium shell strand Date made: late 19th century early 20th century
4. H69.223.2 Object number: H69.223.2 Object name: santo figure Date made: Circa 1800 Currently on display in the Gallery of California History
5. H69.231.4 Object number: H69.231.4 Object name: painting Date made: 17th Century Currently on display in the Gallery of California History
6. H69.449.2 Object number: H69.449.2 Object name: bowl Cultural affinity: Southern California Indian; Southern California culture area Currently on display in the Gallery of California History