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The Tribune photo, dated July 29, 1982, has the following caption on the back: "LIVERMORE AIR SHOW The 1982 Great Livermore Air Show Sunday had planes (far left)[not shown] soaring gracefully in the sky. On the ground (below left)[not shown] Col. Greg "Pappy" Boyington autographs a book for Sherill P. Shurtleff. Other sights of the show included (below) [not shown] from the California Parachute Club coming back to earth. A display of antique, home built and World War-era planes (bottom left)[not shown] was another attraction of the show." This is a photograph of a biplane trailing a plume of smoke from its fuselage and a "wing walker" standing on the center of the upper wing. His name, according to the handwritten notation on the back of the photo, is Johnny Kazian, and the pilot's name is Jim Franklin.