Content description:
Multi-color poster printed on white paper. "The San Francisco / Mime Troupe / The First / 40 / Years" is printed at top flanked by two red stars in black circles. A green floral border frames the sides and bottom of the page. Within the border is a large graphic that shows a large purple winged creature flying in the air at top center. The creature has a green snake wrapped around one arm and is holding a large sack that is printed with the text: "Engagement / Commitment / Fresh Air." A number of figures fall out of the opening of the sack to the ground below and walk toward the foreground of the image at lower left. The figures include many characters in different costumes. The most prominent figure at left is a man dressed in yellow tights, red shorts, a yellow shirt, and a red cape. A cityscape of San Francisco is visible in the background. "An uncensored history of the 20th century: / Scenes and songs from the Mime Troupe's most celebrated shows / Monday, December 6, Palace of Fine Arts Theater, 8 pm" is printed at the bottom of the graphic. "Tickets at City lights and Modern Times Bookstores, San Francisco and Cody's Books, Berkeley - Info: SFMT at 415/285-1717 or" is printed in the bottom margin of the poster. [This event covered scenes from 15 Mime Troupe shows, and smoothed out some of the difficult transitions within the troupe. The poster title graciously offers an homage to R.G. Davis' book "The San Francisco Mime Troupe: The First 10 Years" and the graphic hearkens back to the Troupe's original logo designed by Jacques Callot. -LMC]