Content description:
Poster has a blue and brown background with white text. The main image is of people on a beach using driftwood to create a sculpture of a soldier pointing a gun at a person holding a sign that reads, "El Salvador deaths = money." There are four columns of text found at the top of the image. The first set of text in the first column reads, "Cada vez que me pregunta voy saviendo y sabiendo mas ineviable cada vez hacer guerra para la paz...." The first set from the second column reads, "El Salvador se hace tierra de sangre regada arono de libertad silvestre guerrera..." The first set from the third column reads, "Aun con los olvidos de milenios en sus fauces militares...." The first set from the fourth column reads, " inevitable tambien..." [For many years activist artists assembled political sculptures on the Emeryville mudflats adjacent to the busy freeway, exposing their messages to thousands of commuters. [LMC]