Content description:
Poster has a collage overall. The top half of the poster has a photographic image or movie still showing a large room full of costumed figures lying on the floor. The Background of the bottom half of the poster is a pink and black topographical map. In the center of the poster there is a large photographic image of a woman in lingerie she has the letters: "H A T E" tattooed on the fingers of her left hand. There is a white field that divides the poster across the center horizontally and obscures the female figures pubic area. The field has a photo of a button with the text: "Kill For Peace / Kill For Freedom / Kill Vietnamese / Kill, Kill", the rest of the field has the text: "In every government on earth there is some trace / of human weakness, some germ of corruption / and degeneracy.... Thomas Jefferson". The female figures right leg is partially obscured by a round photographic image of a male figure dressed as an Egyptian Pharaoh and female figures in the foreground reaching up to him.