Content description:
Top edge of poster has the text: "Viva el / EZLN". Middle of poster has a drawing of a man in white firing a sling shot at an animal eating a pumpkin. The man is standing in the open mouth of a very large stylized rattlesnake, the largest element of the drawing. Below the snake are several plants and a female figure emerging from a spiral shaped shell. Bottom edge of poster has the text: "- Arrancaron nuestros frutos / - Cortaron nuestras ramas / - Quemaron nuestro tronco / - Pero no pudieron matar / nuestras raices". [Founded in 1994, the Zapatista Army of National Liberation (Ej√©rcito Zapatista de Liberación Nacional, EZLN) is a revolutionary leftist group based in Chiapas, the southernmost state of Mexico. The graphic is a colorzed reproduction of "Serpiente cascabel (Rattlesnake)" wood engraving 1944, monochrome, by Leopoldo Mendez of the TGP. -LMC]